terça-feira, outubro 25, 2022

The Minstrel (supostamente de William Shakespeare)

After a while you learn the difference, the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul. And you learn that love does not mean leaning. And company does not always mean security. Begins to learn that kisses are not contracts and presents are not promises.

Begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of an adult and not the grief of a child.

Learn how to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much time.

And you learn that no matter how much you care, some people simply do not care ... and accept that no matter how good a person, it will hurt you every once in a while and you need to forgive her for that. You learn that talking can relieve emotional pain.

Discover that it takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it ...

And you can do things in a moment of which you will regret for life. Learn that true friendship continues to grow even over long distances.

And what matters is not what you have in life, but who you have in life.

And what good friends are the family we choose.

Learn that we do not have to change friends if we understand that friends change ...

Realizes that his best friend and you can do anything, or nothing, and have good times together. Find the people you most care about in life are taken from you so quickly ... so we should always leave loved ones with loving words, may be the last time we see them. You learn that the circumstances and environments have influence on us, but we are responsible for ourselves. Begins to learn that you should not compare with others, but the best it can be.

Discover that it takes a long time to become the person you want to be, and that time is short.

You learn that no matter where it came, but where you're going ... but if you do not know where you're going, any road will do.

You learn that either you control your acts, or they will control ... and that being flexible does not mean being weak, or have personality, because no matter how delicate and fragile the situation is, there are always at least two sides. You learn that heroes are people who did what was necessary to do, facing the consequences. You learn that patience requires a lot of practice.

You discover that sometimes the person you expect to be kicked when you fall is one of the few that help you get up.You learn that maturity has more to do with the types of experiences you had and what you learned from them than with how many birthdays you've celebrated. You learn that there are more of your parents in you than you thought.

You learn that you should never tell a child that dreams are silly ...

Few things are so humiliating, and would be a tragedy if she belived in it.

You learn that when you are angry has the right to be angry, but that does not give you the right to be cruel. Discover that just because someone does not love the way you want love does not mean that someone does not love you with everything you can because there are people who love us, but do not know how to show or live that.

Learn that it is not always enough to be forgiven by someone ...

Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

You learn that with the same harshness you judge, you will be convicted at some point.

You learn that no matter how many pieces your heart was broken, the world does not stop for you to fix it. You learn that time is not something that can come back.

So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure ... that is really strong, and can go much farther than you think you can not anymore. And that life really has value and that you have value in life! Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we could win if it were not afraid to try.

2 comentários:

TalosdeMinete disse...

Bolas, Silvestre!!! Isso é um jorrar de água fria, parece as cataratas do Niágara!!! É importante sabermos isso, mas não nos podemos regermo-nos por essa mágoa!!! 1) sobre o amor: Terá de haver alguma ilusão sobre a vida, porque é a própria ilusão que nos impulsa para o desconhecido!! Sobre o nosso amado, nunca saberemos o que ele pensa, deseja, ou sente na realidade!! Mas precisamos de exercitar esse amor, mesmo que pareça sem sal, os rituais são fundamentais na nossa vida! É como tentar plantar tulipas e os seus bolbos estarem dois anos sem se desenvolverem, chegará o terceiro ano em que irão despontar com o calor e água na medida certa. 2) sobre a confiança: a confiança é algo que é para ser destruída, mas vida também nos surpreende pela positiva quando menos esperamos. Quando alguém nos trai, seja amigos, amado, ou família, só temos um caminho: fugir como diz o estratega chinês. 3) sobre amigos: é importante aceitar, se tivermos também dispostos aceitar a mudança, hás vezes os amigos mudam para pior, por incrível que pareça! Mais vale afastar, e manter a época "dourada" dessa amizade na memória. 4) sobre o "cuidar", o mais certo é ninguém querer saber de nós, mas as coisas não são bem assim, há alguém que se preocupa, muitas vezes por interesse, e "e nóis"? também não temos interesse? certamente que sim. 5) a crueldade faz parte da vida, a chamada violência como Foucault descreve tão bem no "Vigiar e Punir", e por vezes somos obrigados a usá-la, sobretudo a violência da ausência. 6) sobre o nosso jardim, sim, não podemos controlar tudo, o problema é quando nos falta instrumentos de jardim e só podemos fazer permacultura, que não se faz sozinho. 7) sobre o não ter medo, é importante, mas acho mais perigoso não termo discernimento, e muitas vezes somos tentados a isso. Como nos diz B. G., no aforismo 36.º: "Ter a sua fortuna* medida." (*sorte, bens materiais e espirituais)

silvestre disse...

@talos: olha que bela reflexão a tua, não poderia dizer melhor. Achei que este poema seria uma versão antiga do Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) do Baz Luhman